My career has focused on helping children and adults build social and emotional skills that helps them be successful in school, work and relationships. I love the work I do! Over two decades, I have developed and delivered programs in communities, taught at the University of British Columbia, and worked in public health leading the development and implementation of early years health promotion initiatives across British Columbia.

I fiercely believe in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and mindfulness as keys towards successful and happy future generations, and a kinder world. We need to be explicit and intentional about helping children and their caregivers grow social and emotional skills at home and in the classroom. I work with family support groups, early childhood educators and school teachers, mobilizing the research on emotional intelligence and child development to help develop programs that promote emotional competence, resilience and well-being of adults and the children they care for. ​

I hold a doctorate degree in Human Development, Learning and Culture from the University of British Columbia (UBC). I am currently an adjunct professor at UBC, a research associate at Simon Fraser University’s CHART lab, and consulting on several child and youth mental health projects with government and community organizations locally and globally. For more information on my research, visit my Academia page here. For information on my work, visit my website here or my LinkedIn page here.

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver with my partner and 2 children, whom I love dearly and bring me lots of joy. But. Who also challenge my emotional intelligence Every. Single. Day. 

Hi, I’m Angela.

I’m a researcher, an educator and a mom. All my life I’ve been interested in the inner worlds of people- their emotions, thoughts, motivations. I am passionate about helping to grow inner resources that lead to resilience and a sustained sense of well-being.

I offer consulting, workshops and presentations on the topics of parenting, shame, social and emotional learning, and emotional resilience.

Contact me here!